Friendship Quiz 2021

Friendship Dare 2024

Friendship Quiz - Friendship Dare 2024

True Or False

Friendship Quiz - True Or False

Know The Funny Facts

Friendship Quiz - Know The Funny Facts

Truth Dare 2024

Friendship Quiz - Truth Dare 2024

Routine Dare

Friendship Quiz - Routine Dare

Love Dare

Friendship Quiz - Love Dare

Secret Message

Love Calculator Prank

Love Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions

NikTok allows you to play friendship quiz with your friends and get to know how much do you know about each other.

NikTok allows you to secretly know the crush of your friends by using 'Love Calculator Prank' game. If your friends asked you to remove their crush name from your dashboard then please delete their records from your board/dashboard pages. As we don't mean to spread anyone's secret.

NikTok allows you to receive anonymous messages from your friends. It’s you in discovering your strengths and areas for improvement by receiving honest, constructive feedback from your friends, relatives and employees.

If generated link is older than 2-3 month then we usually removed that link from our system along with the related data.

If the generated link is new and its not working then please, enable cookies from your browser settings. Or Follow the below steps

  1. Open (recommended to use Chrome Browser) For all Android, iPhone Device.
  2. Go to More menu > Settings > Site settings > Cookies.
  3. You’ll find the More menu icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Make sure cookies are turned ‘on‘ or ‘allow’.
  1. Enter the URL:
  2. Select your preferable language,enter your name,gender and click on 'Play Now' button. Choose your correct options for all 10 quiz questions.
  3. You will get a shareable link and just share with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other Social Media Platform.
  4. Once Publish your link on Public, You Receive friends score of your friends on your dashboard.
  1. Enter the URL:
  2. Select your preferable language,enter your name,gender and click on 'Play Now' button.
  3. You will get a shareable link and just share with your friends on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other Social Media Platform.
  4. Once Publish your link on Public, You Receive anonymous messages that you can only see on your dashboard.

No, you can also share the link with everyone on your WhatsApp Status or Facebook. By doing this, you will be able to know how people know or think about you in general.

Our Friendship App comes along with many great features and have different kinds of friendship games.

Yes, The platform is safer than ever, as we are continuously working on the user experience to make the platform more fun. We do care about safety. If you feel unsafe, please reach out to us via email [email protected] and we will try to remove all of your data.

As we are not taking any consolidated data from the users through which we can identify the users so we can't taken any action on them. So please try to use it for fun and delete all of the inappropriate feedback that you got from your friends or reach out to us, we will help you to delete all inappropriate data from your board/dashboard pages.

As you have got a fair enough idea about what NikTok is.

Now time to create your link & share this with your friends so that you can start to receive their score on your board page.